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The Restless Republic by Anna Keay | 9780008282059

The Restless Republic

Anna Keay


The Earth Transformed by Peter Frankopan | 9781526622563

The Earth Transformed

Peter Frankopan


Colonialism by Nigel Biggar | 9780008511630


Nigel Biggar


Ten Cities that Led the World by Paul Strathern | 9781529356441

Ten Cities that Led the World

Paul Strathern


Horizons by James Poskett | 9780241986264


James Poskett


After the Romanovs by Helen Rappaport | 9781914484766

After the Romanovs

Helen Rappaport


The Empress and the English Doctor by Lucy Ward | 9780861545186

The Empress and the English Doctor

Lucy Ward


Geography Is Destiny by Ian Morris | 9781781258361

Geography Is Destiny

Ian Morris


Heiress, Rebel, Vigilante, Bomber by Sean O'Driscoll | 9781844885565

Heiress, Rebel, Vigilante, Bomber

Sean O'Driscoll


The Stasi Poetry Circle by Philip Oltermann | 9780571331208

The Stasi Poetry Circle

Philip Oltermann


The Road by Christopher Hadley | 9780008356699

The Road

Christopher Hadley


The Greek Revolution by Mark Mazower | 9780141978741

The Greek Revolution

Mark Mazower


The Aristocracy of Talent by Adrian Wooldridge | 9780141990378

The Aristocracy of Talent

Adrian Wooldridge


Buried by Alice Roberts | 9781398510050


Alice Roberts


Kingdom of Characters by Jing Tsu | 9780141985312

Kingdom of Characters

Jing Tsu


1520 by Amy Licence | 9781398115415


Amy Licence


Into Iraq by Michael Palin | 9781529153118

Into Iraq

Michael Palin


Treasures of Ukraine by Andrey Kurkov | 9780500026038

Treasures of Ukraine

Andrey Kurkov


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